Fall Quarter, 1996
Winter Quarter, 1997
Spring Quarter, 1997
Winter Quarter, 1998
Spring Quarter, 1998

Anger and Forgiveness: Reflections in the Context of Inner Healing - for MM544: Deep-level Healing, Dr. Charles H. Kraft

Insights from Anthropology for Christian Witness (Chapters One to Fourteen) With Reflections on the Irish Culture - for MB520: Anthropology, Dr. Charles H. Kraft

Insights from Anthropology for Christian Witness (Chapters Fifteen to Twenty-eight) - for MB520: Anthropology, Dr. Charles H. Kraft

Supplementary Reading Report on Anthropological Insights for Missionaries, Paul G. Hiebert - for MB520: Anthropology, Dr. Charles H. Kraft

Leadership Development in My Life to Date - for ML501: Key Issues for Emerging Leaders, Dr. Richard Clinton

Towards a Contextualized Christian Practice of Hatsumode - for MT510: Doing Theology in Context, Dr. Dean Gilliland

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